Mobile App Development:
IOS & Android Apps
Mobile apps are a part of our daily lives—whether it's a calculator, a flashlight, social media, or a favorite game, they all fall under the category of "Mobile Apps." At Wilkins Software, we specialize in creating both mobile-only apps and universal apps, offering tailored solutions to get your software onto mobile devices efficiently. Let’s dive into these options to help you decide which one is the best fit for your needs.
Mobile Only Apps:
How does it work?
Our approach to mobile app development leverages the powerful, cross-platform capabilities of React Native, allowing us to build your app for both Android and iOS simultaneously. This means you’ll get your app published on both the Google Play Store and the Apple App Store—all without the added cost of developing two separate apps! Of course, if you need your app to be available only on one platform (for whatever reason) that is also completely doable.
Universal Apps:
What is it?
A Universal App is an application which can work on all platforms. Now, at first you might think "Didn't you just say that mobile only apps work on all platforms?" and you would be correct, they work on both mobile platforms. The difference with a Universal App is that it also works as a web-app in addition to both mobile platforms. This means you get a mobile app (for both device types) and a website, all capable of the same operations. This gives your users complete freedom to use your software in the way that works best for them, and ensures your not limiting your potential customers by excluding some portion of the market!